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Nudity & the Public Sphere

Being raised the way we are, we have grown up unconscious of our attitude towards nudity. We associate obscenity with the human body, with PDA (public display of affection), with an individual's natural sexual orientation, if it doesn't conform to majority standards/preferences, while acts of extreme violence, spilling blood, irrespective of the excuses, are widely applauded. Could we stretch the horizons of our imagination and look beyond the established circumference to discover for ourselves the beauty that unfettered life truly is? Looking at #FreeTheNipple movement from an Indian perspective, baring female nipples in public is unthinkable. In fact, it would cause severe, nay brutal, resentment among our masses obsessed with the self-proclaimed, age old and antiquated image of Indian morality that permits female nudity in worship and religion while doing everything it can to veil and stow away female nudity from public sphere. Image Source : Internet

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