Realm of sensation

Though your vision have been betrayed, your senses, they are wide awake... letting you inhale, absorb and feel what can not be seen.. in the wintry morning you have set about without vision, without destination…. Here and there you feel a twig, ravaged and beaten by the weather cold….. you imbibe what no man can comprehend; with your blindness you see more than any man with a pair of eyes can … you bask in your sensual delight, something sultry about the way you palpate…
Something in you comes alive, a light flickers somewhere in the dark corner of your soul, when you let your senses overcome your fear… your mutilated sight can not arrest your tangible prowess.. your vision may be impaired but it can’t hinder beauty from erupting inside your heart… let the sensations bath you with placidity, let you sweep into a world of exquisite delight, where the crimson of your eyes shall dilute and wash away.. an utopia where contentment dwells…
Your eyes are still a burning agony… reddish inferno, trickling and runnig down…a pair of gory rivers.. the pain shackles you in a blur of excruciating torment and harrowing anguish… atrocious semblance….. However your senses, they seem so serene and so unagitated… let them take hold of you, possess you in a dreamy reverie... and as long as the air castle remains alive, sublime serenity is all that you reflect and not the misery of losing your window to the world…
Let your imagination run wild.. drink in all, breathe in all and drench your soul in inconspicuous delight…
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